[Larceny-users] library name clashes in larceny with the -r7rs -program options

John Bignucolo john.bignucolo at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 07:17:53 EST 2017


As an exercise, I tried to use the '-r7rs' and '-program' options to
larceny to implement something really simple: a Scheme version of echo. Eg,

$ time larceny -r7rs -program echo.sps -- a b c
a b c

real 0m1.083s
user 0m1.064s
sys 0m0.012s

​This was with Larceny v0.99 "Goldie" (May 25 2016 01:16:34,
larceny.heap, built on Wed May 25 01:17:00 EDT 2016

​ ran into a problem when I tried to change the program to use the
string-join function from SRFI-13.

The '-r7rs' '-program' options require that you import everything you need.
Since string-join is part of SRFI-13 I thought all I needed to do was:

(import (scheme base)
(scheme load)
(scheme write)
(scheme process-context)
(srfi 13))

;; skip over 'larceny' as arg0
(let ((prog-args (cdr (command-line))))
  (if (not (null? prog-args))
      (display (string-join prog-args))))

But this generated an error:

Syntax violation: import

Different bindings for identifier imported from libraries () and (srfi :13

Form: string-for-each


Error: unhandled condition:
Compound condition has these components:
#<record &who>
    who : import
#<record &message>
    message : "Different bindings for identifier imported from libraries ()
and (srfi :13 strings)"
#<record &syntax>
    form : string-for-each
    subform : #f

Entering debugger; type "?" for help.

I was able to able to get it work by changing the srfi import definition to

(only (srfi 13) string-join)

But this resulted in a five-fold increase in runtime, due I assume, to a
longer startup time required to find string-join:

$ time larceny -r7rs -program echo.sps -- a b c
a b c

real 0m5.036s
user 0m5.008s
sys 0m0.020s

Was I wrong in using (srfi 13) in the import list?

What is the correct method for importing SRFI-13 (or other libraries) that
have names that clash with those defined in (scheme base)?


John Bignucolo
john.bignucolo at gmail.com
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