[Larceny-users] Developing Windows GUI Programs

David Rush kumoyuki at gmail.com
Wed May 25 08:52:33 EDT 2011

On 4 April 2011 16:19, Steve Graham <jsgrahamus at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I am interested in developing Windows GUI programs with typical elements
> such as drop down lists, radio buttons, text areas and text fields.  Is that
> possible with Larceny?  Are there any tips on how to proceed?

Working with Common Larceny and the C#/.Net infrastructure is the most
straightforward way to go. Larceny has to provide the driving framework as
access to Larceny data structures from within the .NET world is difficult
(although the conjugate is pretty straightforward)..

You could also develop in native mode, but that is a little tricky too
because you can really only use _cdecl function pointers if you want to call
back into Larceny. This is only a minor problem if you are willing to write
trampolines for all of the WINAPI call-backs needed for a Windows app.


- d
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