[Larceny-users] Performance Of SHA-256 Implementation

Ray Racine ray.racine at gmail.com
Mon Jul 5 17:35:26 EDT 2010

I coded up a somewhat naive literal translation of the the SHA-256 hash algo
along with the corresponding HMAC using Larceny (Funny In Head) ERR5RS.  I'm
actually using a slightly modified build from the latest trunk.


Here is the transcript of an example from Amazon's API doc which requires a

(import (rnrs)
(rl3 crypto hash sha256)
(rl3 crypto base64)
(primitives time))

(define msg "GET\nwebservices.amazon.com
(define key "1234567890")
(time (base64-encode (hmac-sha256 key msg)))
> Words allocated: 4194032
Words reclaimed: 0
Elapsed time...: 998 ms (User: 981 ms; System: 1 ms)
Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 2 in 4 collections.)

The answer is correct, however, the 1 sec calculation time is a bit longer
than anticipated along with the 4 million allocated words.  I understand why
bitwise manipulations are going to be slower in dynamically typed language
with type tag bits.  Thought I'd toss it out in the hopes someone may spot a
low hanging fruit change in my implementation, recommend some compiler
options etc.   At a minimum it might make a decent benchmark for grading
(rnrs arithmetic bitwise) implementations.

If nothing obvious is noted I'll go with an FFI solution.


P.S. Noticed the Larceny SVN and mail list has been a bit quiet. Anything
new and notable coming down on the Larceny front? 64Bit? Native threads?

The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape
finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. - Marcus Aurelius
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