[Larceny-users] Request for implementation
Philippos Apolinarius
phi500ac at yahoo.ca
Wed May 6 03:02:54 EDT 2009
When I compare Larceny with other Scheme implementations, I notice that it excells exactly in that kind of programs that make people choose a Lisp dialect over other languages: Machine learning and induction. For instance, I wrote a neural network in Scheme that is used in a pattern recognition system written by Professor Marcus Vinicius from Ryerson University (Toronto) and Paulo Caparelli from UFU (Uberlandia). Larceny runs it as fast as compiled Gambit, but does not require a (slow) compilation step. However, Gambit has a feature that final users find very attractive: It provides a quite complete conventional language, with infix notation, and the like. Even doctors and nurses are able to modify the Gambit program, once they learn the language.
I believe that Larceny with its interpreter-like compilation is better than Gambit for implementing neural networks, genetic algorithms and other trainable systems. However, final users likes so much the Gambit Matlab-like notation that they pratically force me to write the programs in Gambit. Therefore, I would like to suggest a Gambit-like infix notation for Larceny. It would be great if Larceny team could provide complete compatibility with Gambit. By the way, I am sending a simplified version of my Larceny neural network so people can compare Larceny with Gambit. To run it in Larceny, type:
> (load "larcenet.scm")
> (train xor *exs* )
> (xor '(1 1))
> (xor '(1 0))
> (xor '(0 1))
> (xor '(0 0))
To run it in Gambit, comment the line
;;(load "ec.scm")
and uncomment
(include "ec.scm") ;; and uncomment this one
Here is how to compile the program in Gambit:
C:\larceny\tutorial>gsc -:s larcenet.scm
Gambit v4.4.2
> (load "larcenet.o1")
> (train xor *exs*)
========== The Program ================
;; Larceny version.
;; This program is part of a pattern recognition
;; system that drives a wheel-chair for quadriplegic
;; people: www.ciaem.org.br/ciaem.qps/Ref/QUIS-7GJP7J
;; A description of the complete system, written in
;; Scheme by Philippos, will be published in a paper
;; by Marcus Vinicius dos Santos, that can be reached
;; at web.mac.com/marcusvsantos/iWeb/Site/About%20Me.html
;; The wheel chair learns how to recognize EMG signals
;; from facial muscles. A neural network recognizes
;; the coeficients of a polynomial approximation of
;; the signal, and drives the chair accordingly.
;; The chair will be available soon, although the
;; pattern recognition version needs a special
;; order, and user training. This Larceny version
;; is not used in the chair prototype.
;; Store in file larcenet.scm
(load "ec.scm") ;; To compile in Gambit, comment this line
;;(include "ec.scm") ;; and uncomment this one
;; In Gambit, the sigmoid function is defined thus:
;; \float sig(float x) {1.0/(1.0+exp(-x));}
(define (sig x)
(/ 1.0 (+ 1.0 (exp (- x)) )))
(define (newn v ws)
(sig (sum-ec (:parallel
(:list i ws)
(:list x (cons 1.0 xs)))
(* (vector-ref v i) x) )) )) ;; Gambit: \v[i]*x;
(define in-1 car)
(define in-2 cadr)
(define (gate vt)
(let [ (n1 (newn vt '(4 5 6)) )
(ns (newn vt '(0 1 2 3)))]
(lambda (i)
(if (null? i) vt
(ns (list (in-1 i)
(n1 (list (in-1 i) (in-2 i)))
(in-2 i) ))) )))
;; Here is how to create a xor neural network:
(define xor (gate (vector -4 -7 14 -7 -3 8 8)))
(define dx 0.01)
(define lc 0.5)
(define *nuweights* (make-vector 90) )
(define *examples* #f)
(define (assertWgt vt I R)
(vector-set! vt I R) R)
(define (egratia eg)
(vector-ref *examples*
(min eg (- (vector-length *examples*) 1)) ))
(define (setWeights vt Qs)
(do-ec (:range i (vector-length vt))
(vector-set! vt i
(vector-ref Qs i)) ) )
(define (errSum prt Exs)
(sum-ec (:list e Exs)
(:let eg (egratia e))
(:let vc (prt (cdr eg) ))
(:let v (car eg) )
(* (- vc v) (- vc v)) ) )
(define (updateWeights prt vt err0 ns Exs)
[do-ec (:range i (+ ns 1))
(:let v (vector-ref vt i))
(:let v1 (assertWgt vt i (+ v dx)))
(:let nerr (errSum prt Exs))
(:let nv (+ v (/ (* lc (- err0 nerr)) dx)) ) ;; Gambit: \v+lc*(err0-nerr)/dx;
(begin (assertWgt vt i v)
(vector-set! *nuweights* i nv) ) ]
(setWeights vt *nuweights*) )
(define (train p exs)
(set! *examples* exs )
(set! *nuweights* (make-vector 90))
(setWeights (p '()) '#(0 1 0 0 2 0 0))
(do ( (vt (p '()))
(exs '(0 1 2 3 3 2 1 0)) )
( (< (errSum p exs) 0.001) )
(updateWeights p vt (errSum p exs)
(- (vector-length vt) 1) exs) ) )
(define *exs*
'#( (0 1 1) (1 0 1) (1 1 0) (0 0 0)) )
;;(training xor '( (0 1 1) (1 1 0) (1 0 1) (0 0 0)) )
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