[Larceny-users] Lexical errors' exceptions need &lexical

Derick Eddington derick.eddington at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 17:44:05 EDT 2009

... according to R6RS get-datum.  R6RS get-datum also says they need
&i/o-read but I don't think that makes sense because lexical errors are
not I/O errors and vice versa.  Ikarus decided to not include &i/o-read,
and Aziz asked the editors about this and they said they agree including
&i/o-read is wrong and they made some other comments, which you can read

: Derick

> (show-ex (read (open-string-input-port "-oops")))
 (&who (who get-datum))
     "Lexical Error: Missing delimiter in line 1: -o "))
   (irritants (#<INPUT PORT *bytevector*>))))


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