[Larceny-users] weird error message compiling library

Felix Klock felixluser at pnkfx.org
Mon Jun 29 17:11:43 EDT 2009

On Jun 29, 2009, at 4:58 PM, Felix Klock wrote:

> p.s. Hypothesis: it could be that the other systems do not detect  
> any problem here because the make-real procedure is never invoked in  
> your code base.  I believe they are more conforming to the R6RS than  
> Larceny is on this particular point; I also believe there is a way  
> to coax Larceny into a mode where it will still compile the code and  
> ignore the latent error hidden within.  If you want me to look up  
> more information about this, let me know.

Two follow-up items:

1. Will's formal comment #198 on the R6RS was relevant to this topic:


2. There is a compile-despite-errors switch within Twobit.


    I do not know much about the switch, but if wanted to insist upon  
compiling libraries with erroneous dead code, then that would be where  
I would look.  (I am not sure whether the switch is correctly  
implemented in your version of Larceny; there was a ticket (Ticket  
#442) about it not working properly some months ago, but Will resolved  
that problem.)


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