[Larceny-users] sqlite3 FFI

Peter Keller psilord at cs.wisc.edu
Sat May 24 18:02:45 EDT 2008

On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 01:06:23AM -0500, Peter Keller wrote:
>          (define sqlite3-close
>            (let ((_sqlite3_close
>                    (foreign-procedure "sqlite3_close" '(boxed) 'int)))
>              (lambda (db)
>                (_sqlite3_close db))))

If I rewrite this call to:

         (define sqlite3-close
           (let ((_sqlite3_close
                   (foreign-procedure "sqlite3_close" '(int) 'int)))
             (lambda (db)
               (_sqlite3_close (%get-pointer db 0)))))

Then the code starts working. I'm not entirely sure this is correct since
the prototype for sqlite3_close expects a pointer, not an int (but due to
the 32-bit platform I'm on at the moment, this will work).

It was my intention that the bytevector passed into sqlite3_open gets
the pointer written into it and that the sqlite3_close uses the pointer
in the bytevector.

Given this method I'm using, I have the basic sqlite3 api (open, close,
prepare_v2, finalize, step, column*) working. I'll do some more testing and
try and get it packaged into an r6rs library.

Thank you.


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