[Larceny-users] process broken?

Ken Dickey Ken.Dickey at whidbey.com
Sat Jun 21 18:21:26 EDT 2008


I am trying to use the 'process proc in "lib/Standard/unix.scm".

Can someone help me out?

Thanks much,
Larceny v0.961 "Fluoridation" (Mar 16 2008 14:59:46, precise:Linux:unified)
larceny.heap, built on Sun Mar 16 15:01:38 PDT 2008

> (require "Standard/unix")
(require "Standard/unix")

> (define p (process "echo"))

> p
(#<INPUT PORT input descriptor port 12>
 #<OUTPUT PORT output descriptor port 11>

> (display "hello" (cadr p))

Error: write-char: not an output port #<OUTPUT PORT output descriptor port 11>
Entering debugger; type "?" for help.
;; Huh??

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