[Larceny-users] A Pile Of Undifferentiated Larceny Library Code

Ray Racine ray.racine at gmail.com
Sun Jan 20 12:49:13 EST 2008

To Whom It May Concern,

Just to throw it out there, I have moved my Larceny code dabbling and
ramblings to a git baseed SCM.  I am no longer updating my old SourceForge
SVN.  Its pretty much what the subject line suggests, a pile of code.  I'd
say 50% is useless and un-runnable.  I do intend a) to clean it up b) get
proper attribution  and license stuff sorted out.

Repo is here:  http://repo.or.cz/w/rl3.git

GIT is amazing and the distributed repo concept works when your coding on
any given moment on 2 servers, a laptop, with a public repository.  Highly

Most of the code revolves around Web, http, sockets, tasks, SXML, SSAX,
SXPATH, and HTML->SSAX parsing.


Larceny v0.961 "Fluoridation" (Jan 13 2008 08:39:06, precise:Linux:unified)
larceny.heap, built on Sat Dec 29 17:39:47 EST 2007
ERR5RS mode (no libraries have been imported)

> Autoloading (rnrs r5rs)
Autoloading (rnrs lists)
Autoloading (rnrs bytevectors)
Autoloading (rnrs io ports)
Autoloading (rnrs unicode)
Autoloading (rnrs mutable-pairs)
Autoloading (rnrs mutable-strings)
Autoloading (rl3 io net sockets)
Autoloading (rl3 ffi foreign-ctools)
Autoloading (rnrs syntax-case)
Autoloading (rnrs control)
Autoloading (rnrs files)
Autoloading (rl3 env larceny)
Autoloading (larceny load)
Autoloading (err5rs load)
Autoloading (rnrs load)
Autoloading (rl3 io print)
Autoloading (rl3 ffi ffi-std)
Autoloading (r5rs)
Autoloading (rnrs eval)
Autoloading (larceny deprecated)
Autoloading (rnrs arithmetic fixnums)
Autoloading (err5rs records syntactic)
Autoloading (rl3 system unix)
Autoloading (rl3 io net nethostdb)
Autoloading (err5rs records procedural)
Autoloading (rl3 concurrency tasks-with-io)
Autoloading (rl3 env parameters)
Autoloading (rl3 concurrency tasks)
Autoloading (larceny records printer)
Autoloading (rl3 env prelude)
Autoloading (rl3 adt queue)
Autoloading (rl3 io epoll constants)
Autoloading (rl3 web httpserver http)
Autoloading (rl3 web pipes htmlprag)

(let ((surl "GET /home/will/Larceny/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:
www.ccs.neu.edu\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070718 Fedora/ Firefox/\r\nAccept:
      (s (client-socket "www.ccs.neu.edu" 80)))
  (let ((op (socket-output-port s #t))
        (ip (socket-input-port s #t)))
    (put-bytevector op (string->utf8 surl))
    (flush-output-port op)
    (let* ((header (get-http-header-from-port ip))
           (len/chunked? (content-length-or-chunked? header))
           (hip (open-http-binary-input-port "http port" ip len/chunked?))
           (haip (http-ascii-port-from-binary-port hip))
           (html (html->sxml haip)))
      (display html))))

(*TOP* (*PI* xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8")
 (*DECL* DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN
 (html (@ (xmlns http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml) (lang en) (xml:lang en))
      (meta (@ (http-equiv Content-Type) (content text/html;
       The Larceny Project -- Home page
      (style (@ (type text/css))
       .red    { color: red; }
    (link (@ (rev made) (href mailto:larceny at ccs.neu.edu)))


 (h1 The Larceny Project)

[Lots of stuff deleted ...]

 (a (@ (href mailto:larceny at ccs.neu.edu)) larceny at ccs.neu.edu) (br)

 Last updated (not yet checked in!) 2 January 2008.

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