[Larceny-users] is this a brain-problem or a bug?

Ray Racine ray.racine at comcast.net
Mon Jan 7 22:46:58 EST 2008

Regarding the 32 / 64 bit.  I have a 2 CPU 64 bit Opteron (Sun
workstation) running 64 bit Fedora Linux and FFI (including sockets) is
working solid.

I outlined the changes necessary in a posting in Nov.


The middle change is in foreign-ctools.  CTools invokes the system's C
compiler to determine the C structure layout offset etc.. all it does is
add a -m32 option which puts gcc in 32 compiler mode.  This works on
Linux/gcc but I expect this or its analogy would work on other
system/compiler combinations. (You are on Sparc/Solaris??)  This may
simplify your debugging environment.


Regarding the overall problem of not working. I think you alluded to
what I think is the problem, INET vs DOMAIN sockets.

C sample is AF_UNIX (which is same-as AF_LOCAL).  As you pointed out
Larceny defaults to AF_INET.  AFAIK everything should work just fine if
you were to set the correct FAMILY-DOMAIN/PROTOCOL explicitly.

Something along the lines of this should work.  Note the sockaddr
structure family field is explicitly set to AF_UNIX. 

 (define server-socket-accept
   (lambda (socket flags)
     (let ((addr (make-sockaddr_in))
           (addrlen (make-bytevector sizeof:int))
           (nonblocking? (memq 'nonblocking flags)))
       (sockaddr_in.sin_family-set! addr AF_UNIX)  
       (%set-int addrlen 0 SOCKADDR_IN-SIZE)
       (let ((sdesc (accept (socket-descriptor socket) addr addrlen)))
         (if (invalid? sdesc)
             (report-error "accept")
             (values (make-socket sdesc flags #f #f
'OK)(sockaddr_in.sin_addr addr)))))))

If you set it to AF_UNIX, I believe no other change would be required.

Hope this helps.


On Mon, 2008-01-07 at 19:00 +0000, David Rush wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have been working with the socket interface on Unix in an attempt to
> build a native FCGI module for Larceny, and I am frankly stumped. As
> far as I can tell, I have two programs which should be functionally
> identical. The difference is that one is written in C using the socket
> interface directly and the other is written in Larceny, using the FFI.
> So the C code:
> #include <fastcgi.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <sys/socket.h>
> #include <sys/un.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <stdarg.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <string.h>
> int main(int c, char** v) {
>     struct sockaddr_un addr;
>     socklen_t addrlen = 0;
>     int cx = 0;
>     FILE* log = fopen("raw-fcgi.log", "w");
>     fprintf(log, "started FCGI process\n");
>     fflush(log);
>     addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
>     for(cx = accept(FCGI_LISTENSOCK_FILENO, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &addrlen);
>         cx >= 0;
>         cx = accept(FCGI_LISTENSOCK_FILENO, (struct sockaddr*)&addr,
> &addrlen)) {
>         FCGI_Header hdr;
>         fprintf(log, "got a request, sockaddr family = %d\n", addr.sun_family);
>         fflush(log);
>         read(cx, (char*)&hdr, sizeof(hdr));
>         fprintf(log, "  version = %d\n", hdr.version);
>         fprintf(log, "  type = %d\n", hdr.type);
>         fprintf(log, "  reqID(B1) = %d\n", hdr.requestIdB1);
>         fprintf(log, "  reqID(B0) = %d\n", hdr.requestIdB0);
>         fprintf(log, "  reqID = %d\n", hdr.requestIdB1 * 256 + hdr.requestIdB0);
>         fprintf(log, "  length(B1) = %d\n", hdr.contentLengthB1);
>         fprintf(log, "  length(B0) = %d\n", hdr.contentLengthB0);
>         fprintf(log, "  length = %d\n", hdr.contentLengthB1 * 256 +
> hdr.contentLengthB0);
>         fflush(log);
>         close(cx); }
>     fprintf(log, "all done\n");
>     return 0; }
> produces the the following output in raw-fcgi.log
> started FCGI process
> got a request, sockaddr family = 1
>   version = 1
>   type = 1
>   reqID(B1) = 0
>   reqID(B0) = 1
>   reqID = 1
>   length(B1) = 0
>   length(B0) = 8
>   length = 8
> and the larceny code:
> (require 'foreign-ctools)
> (require 'foreign-stdlib)
> (require 'socket)
> (require 'time)
> (require 'srfi-9)
> (define (ftimestamp)
>   (call-with-values current-utc-time
>     (lambda (secs fracs)
>       (let ((fracs* (number->string fracs)))
>         (call-with-output-string
>          (lambda (p)
>            (display secs p)
>            (display #\. p)
>            (display (make-string (- 6 (string-length fracs*)) #\0) p)
>            (display fracs* p)
>            )))
>       )))
> (define (flog s)
>   (let ((entry
>          (call-with-output-string
>           (lambda (p)
>             (display `(,(ftimestamp)
>                        , at s) p)
>             (newline p)
>             )))
>         (f ((foreign-procedure "fopen" '(string string) 'void*)
> "fcgi.log" "a")))
>     ((foreign-procedure "fputs" '(string void*) 'int) entry f)
>     ((foreign-procedure "fclose" '(void*) 'void) f)
>     (display entry (current-output-port))
>     (display entry (current-error-port))
>     ))
> (define-c-struct ("struct sockaddr_un" make-sockaddr_un
>                   (include<> "sys/un.h"))
>   ("sun_family"
>     (sockaddr_in.sun_family         %get-ushort))
>   ("sun_path"
>     (sockaddr_in.sun_path           %get-string))
>   )
> (define (fastcgi argv)
>   (flog `(starting fcgi listen process))
>   (let accept-requests ()
>     (let ((addr         (make-sockaddr_un))
>           (addrlen      (make-bytevector sizeof:int)))
>       (flog `(got the blinking structures allocated))
>       (let ((s ((foreign-procedure "accept" '(int boxed boxed) 'int)
>                 0 addr addrlen)))
>         (flog `(received connection on ,s))
>         (let* ((bytes (make-bytevector 8))
>                (got ((foreign-procedure "read" '(int boxed int) int)
>                      fd bytes 8)))
>           (flog `(read ,got header bytes from ,fd))
>           (if (>= got 8)
>               (let ((version (bytevector-ref bytes 0))
>                     (type (bytevector-ref bytes 1))
>                     (id (+ (bytevector-ref bytes 2)
>                            (* 256 (bytevector-ref bytes 3))))
>                     (length (+ (bytevector-ref bytes 4)
>                                (* 256 (bytevector-ref bytes 5))))
>                     (padding (bytevector-ref bytes 6)))
>                 (flog `((version ,version)
>                         (type ,type)
>                         (request-id ,id)
>                         (length ,length))))
>               (flog `(no header))
>               ))
>         (close-output-port out)
>         (close-input-port in)
>         (flog `(finished transaction))
>         (accept-requests)
>         )))
>   (flog `(all done now))
>   (exit 0)
>   )
> (dump-heap "fcgi.image" fastcgi)
> (exit 0)
> When appropriately packaged up and run produces the following output
> in fcgi.log (timestamps are seconds.micros)
> (1199729962.355512 starting fcgi listen process)
> (1199729962.400555 got the blinking structures allocated)
> (1199729962.406820 received connection on 4)
> (1199729971.981496 starting fcgi listen process)
> (1199729971.992796 got the blinking structures allocated)
> which since I don't print the PIDs to the log makes it a little bit
> hard to interpret, but I am fairly convinced (by looking at the server
> error logs and ps output) that what is happening that the original
> FCGI process starts and receives a connection, then hangs trying to
> read from that connection. When the FCGI watchdog in the Apache server
> notices the hung process it starts another instance (usually after
> about 10 seconds).
> Now it is clear from the raw-fcgi.c output that the Apache FCGI module
> is using Unix domain sockets to talk to the FCGI process, and I'm
> wondering if this is a case that is somehow broken in larceny (the
> socket.sch code pretty clearly only knows about AF_INET), or if there
> is some other I/O configuration difference between the Larceny
> run-time and the raw C code.
> Can anybody point me in the right direction here? This has been
> extremely hard to debug, since - for reasons I do not fully understand
> - my 32-bit larceny image can't load the socket library on my x86_64
> system which means I am debugging remotely on Dreamhost's servers
> underneath the Apache server. Talk about debugging at the end of a
> ten-foot pole!
> Thanks in advance -
> david rush

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