[Larceny-users] Behavior of eval in ERR5RS

William D Clinger will at ccs.neu.edu
Sun Dec 30 16:57:51 EST 2007

Ryan Newton wrote:
> Now, this is probably the intended behavior.  The R6RS eval requires
> an explicit environment for evaluation.  But I thought by doing import
> (primitives ...) I was getting access to the old larceny eval, with
> the "dirty" behavior that it inherits the top-level environment.

Andre explained this.

Just in case this is holding you up, I'm going to show
you an extremely fragile Larceny-specific hack that
happens to work in v0.96, but is likely to stop working
in some future version of Larceny:

    % larceny -err5rs
    Larceny v0.96 "Fluoridation" (...)
    ERR5RS mode (no libraries have been imported)

    > (import (rnrs) (primitives aeryn-evaluator))
    > (define x 99)
    > (aeryn-evaluator 'x)

(Aeryn is the internal code name of Larceny's ERR5RS mode.)


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