[Cs5500] retirement of avatars

Karl Lieberherr lieber at ccs.neu.edu
Fri Dec 2 11:29:43 EST 2011

It is time to retire your avatars. They have evaluated each other and
determined lots of winners who, I claim, have correct and efficient
implementations. We will see the code in some of those avatars on Monday
and Wednesday.
Please submit the avatars by today at 5pm. This deadline is not strict but
we hope to get many submissions today.

Ravi will evaluate your code and give you feedback and compare it with your
run-time analysis.

Please submit two packages
edu.neu.ccs.scg.avatar.HSR.f11.<team name>
edu.neu.ccs.scg.avatar.MMG.f11.<team name>
to Blackboard, the first one under HSR Avatar and the second under MMG
Submit source files defining the four methods + any additional jar files
you might have been using plus the analysis
file in one package.

Don't submit any of the code or jars we gave to you.

Please include in each package a file run-time-analysis.txt which contains
the run-time analysis of your solve method implementation and using O
notation. You already worked on this earlier but you might have an update.

If you claim that your avatar was also prepared to handle 100 000 rungs,
but somehow you could not participate in the tournament explain in your
submission  in file run-time-analysis.txt:

 1. The features of your algorithm that make it scale well.
 2. The test inputs HSR(n,k) on which you tested it and it worked correctly.

 You will get full extra credit for the 100 000 rung challenge if your
 and your reasoning are correct.

For the top-performing avatars I have the following challenge:

I make the following claim and I look forward to see any refutations: All
those winning avatars who tied at the top are bug-free.
The refutation protocol is: Show me a bug in one of the winning avatars who
tied at the top.
If you find a bug in your top performing avatar you will get extra credit.
It will in no way diminish the value of your avatar.
-- Karl
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