[Cs5500] evaluation of tournament last night

Karl Lieberherr lieber at ccs.neu.edu
Thu Dec 1 15:21:05 EST 2011

Here are the results for the HSR tournament Nov. 30. We will take the best
of your grades.

Because the game relies on strong avatars (they are the teachers), I would
like those who already have an
A participate again tonight in the High Rung extra credit HSR competition.

Congratulations to all the A's and hopefully we get many more tonight.

The three ?? below: please send me the names of the contributors.

-- Karl

5150                    Greg and Casey
TheSandMan              Matthew Strax-Haber
team312v3               Nimrod and Ryan
TheGreatGonzo           Dennis
wkn32                   Matthew Pelland
dirich                  David
usb                     ??
iGalaxy                 James Antonius
belchmoney              Adam Belcher
ThePinkElephant         ??

Starbuck                Liz
nobackbone              ??

If there is claim that was refuted/strengthened/agreed and there is a
winner and a loser
but the evaluation is not fair, send me a message with the following

Tournament and game name, e.g., 5150 vs reptar2, the provided instance and
solution and a reason why you think the outcome should have been the other
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