[Cs5500] Cannot cast to HSRConfig

David Richards dirich at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Nov 23 14:04:23 EST 2011

Hi All,

I get the following error both in the warm-up tournament and when running on my own:
> Exception thrown while parsing: csp.CSPConfig cannot be cast to hsr.HSRConfig

The command I'm running to connect ot the tournament is:

> java -cp .:demeterf.jar:hamcrest-all-1.3.0RC2.jar scg.net.avatar.PlayerMainHSR 8889 bubbles.ccs.neu.edu root foobar 1 ../Playgroundconfig/scgConfig_hsr.txt ../Playgroundconfig/hsrDomain.txt 

Does anyone have any thoughts as to what might be going wrong?
I'm guessing it has something to do with this line in my code:
> HSRConfig hsr_cfg = (HSRConfig)config.getDomainConfig();

but that was working fine with past versions, and it seems the BabyAvatar is doing the same thing....


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