[Cs5500] Testing current version of Generic SCG - Important !!

Madhuvanthi Balasubramanian balasubramanian.m at husky.neu.edu
Tue Nov 15 20:24:44 EST 2011

Hi guys,

As we saw yesterday, the undergrads seemed to have lots of issues with the
current release of SCG.
Could someone download the package from the link below and run a tournament
according to the documentation given under the same link?
I did not encounter issues when I tested the version before releasing. But
apparently I had missed something.
Specifically they complained about ParseExceptions and errors with build.
If you also encounter issues, then we can confirm that there is an issue.
Please can someone volunteer quickly? This should not take more than 30 min
to do. The tournament is tomorrow evening and we need to get this ready


Can Srinivas take it up from here? I won't be available tomorrow, so if you
could please co-ordinate tomorrow's counting tournament..
Please call me in case of any issue.

- Madhu
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