[Cs5500] Fwd: Questions

Sandeep Upendra Kamath kamath.s at husky.neu.edu
Tue Nov 1 17:25:07 EDT 2011

Dear Sir,

The HSR playground has built in checks for both the cases.
For the first case when a solution with cycles is given to the admin it
will be declared invalid.
Let me point to function that does that:

private boolean lessThanEqualKBranches(HSRSolution s, int jarsBroken)


---------->  if*(jarsBroken > k*)


            return false;


Since the first condition being checked in the underlined code is a
terminating condition which checks that jars broken should not exceed "k"
it will terminate when the condition is not satisfied returning false to
the valid function. Hence a solution with cycles will be detected.

For the second case  let me point to the function in "HSRDomain.beh"  file
that checks for null pointers.

 private boolean areNodesValid(HSRSolution s)
java.util.List<Integer> internalNodes = buildIntList(getN());
 java.util.List<Integer> leaves = buildIntList(getN());
--------->return nodesValid(s, internalNodes, leaves)
&&*internalNodes.isEmpty() && leaves.isEmpty();

The last line in the code checks for leaves node and internal node being
empty. If any of them are found to have null values it returns false
resulting in the valid function returning false which means that the avatar
who proposed an invalid solution is then kicked out by the admin.

Kindly let us know if you need anything else from us.

Team Navi
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