[Cs5500] assignments (project 7)

Karl Lieberherr lieber at ccs.neu.edu
Tue Nov 1 13:07:38 EDT 2011

Here are the projects we discussed last night:

1. Undergraduate class interactions: User Acceptance Testing of HSR
playground, and other playgrounds: Navi
2. Persistent Playground implementation and BinaryGame instrumentation:
3. Change the communication structure in SCG Court: make it internet ready:
the admin becomes the server
   and the avatars the clients. The avatars poll the server: do I have to
do something? No, check back in one minute.
   Yes, here is a request to oppose a list of claims: Mohinish
4. compute and cleanup of welfare claims after tournament: implement
welfare claims computation
   based on strongly defended claims: Spartans without Mohinish
5. Generalized BFS playground: Dexter
6. Feature combinations in playground configuration: legal and illegal
combinations. Testing of feature
   combinations: Navi.

Use the discussion board to discuss and analyze the requirements and the
interfaces. For example, Knight must
generate events that the Spartans need. Requirements analysis for Knight
and Spartan's due by Thursday noon.

Mohinish and Liao need to fill in Srinivas.

Please can team Knight send me the cd for PersistentPlayground that we
developed last night.
By Wednesday noon please.
We need to work together to define a nice language for PersistentPlayground.

-- Karl
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