[Cs5500] BFS Update

Ashish Joshi joshi.as at husky.neu.edu
Sun Oct 30 18:20:40 EDT 2011

Hey guys,
the bfs teacher avatar is up and running
There are still a few issues though...
like...what does it return if it cant find a solution (V) for the graph
then again the admin will kick out an avatar that proposes a graph that
doesn't satisfy the given condition
and if it does satisfy the teacher will be able to find the solution (V)
I'm attaching the code for the BS avatar and the playground

Another thing to know is that right now the opposition and the agreement
happens randomly
as in based on whether a float value is above or below 0.5...you can find
this logic in the oppose method
The reason I've done it is so that one of the avatar wins,since I'm using
both the teacher avatars
they'll always agree since each would know that it's a right claim...

Let me know if you come across any issues

Ashish Joshi
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