[Cs5500] Urgent SCG Court Maintenance task

Madhuvanthi Balasubramanian balasubramanian.m at husky.neu.edu
Wed Oct 19 09:58:18 EDT 2011

Hello everyone,

           Here is what I propose, for our maintenance task. Since we are
already in the maintenance phase, this process aims to keep it simple, while
making sure we don't miss out on the important tasks :

*Requirement Analysis:*
Impact Analysis ( Analyze what happens when ProposedClaimMustBeNew to false)
Documentation of results
Feasibility Study (Is it possible to implement this change, without
significant change of behavior in the system? )
Change Proposal (what you think must be changed, in order for the system to
work as expected? )
Include design team in your meetings

Details of classes(if any) that need to be changed
The new configuration file
Meet with development team and discuss if these changes are feasible

Propose estimated time of completion (how long you would take to make this
Make changes in the required classes
Include detailed documentation in classes
Report back to design team if you encounter issues

Propose estimated time of completion ( how long you would take to test)
Perform regression testing
Run a series of tournaments, in both MMG and HSR to make sure the system
behaves as expected.

I had looked into this issue in little detail last week. So I'm ready to do
the requirement analysis with teamNavi and share the impact & feasibility
analysis results with the rest of the teams.

Please let me know if there are any issues with this process, or if this can
be done better.

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 5:11 AM, Karl Lieberherr <lieber at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:

> We have an urgent task: we need to allow repetition in MMG and BFS.
> Otherwise, those playgrounds don't work well.
> This task is overdue, because MMG and BFS were due on Monday Oct. 17.
> Please can the managers (Sandeep with Madhu, the outgoing SCG Court
> manager ) assign responsibilities to the teams to get this done asap.
> Madhu has been thinking about a simple process that we should
> follow for such maintenance tasks. Please can she share it with the class.
> Reasons/Rationale for maintenance are here:
> http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lieber/courses/se-courses/cs5500/f11/maintenance/game-repair/repeating-claims
> -- Karl
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- Madhu
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