[Cs5500] MMG Tournament at 6.30 pm today

Madhuvanthi Balasubramanian balasubramanian.m at husky.neu.edu
Wed Oct 12 17:13:10 EDT 2011

Hello Everyone,

          I've made changes to ForAllExists protocol, to reflect
maximization problems ( altho'  I haven't added the abstraction yet).
          I wanted to test this protocol on the MMG playground.
          So a tournament has been scheduled to run at 6.30 pm this evening.
Requesting alll teams to please sign-up and enroll for the tournament
          The server is up and running. So I"ll register teams as quickly as
possible so you can enroll for the tournament.
          It doesn't matter if you are running your baby or clever avatars.
But I would suggest atleast one of you run clever avatars so we know how the
game goes on now.
          You may download the config file directly from the tournament
page. The only change is that I've set "ProposedClaimMustBeNew" to false.
This will eliminate the kicking out of avatars due to forbidden claims.
          Sorry for this short a notice. Please let me know if you have any
- Madhu
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