[Cs5500] Error when running MMG Playground

Madhuvanthi Balasubramanian balasubramanian.m at husky.neu.edu
Wed Oct 12 14:16:17 EDT 2011

Hello Everyone,

         I've been working on the MMG Playground and clever avatars.
         I get an ArrayIndexOutofBounds Exception, w.r.t to SetInstance
function in the ProtocolInterpreter Class.
         I'm not sure which team is responsible for this component.
         Could that team please tell me how the size of the instances array
is being set ?

         I tried printing out the size of the instances array and I get a
value of 1. I'm assuming it has something to do with the number of steps in
the protocol.
         So when setInstance is invoked from the protocolResponseHandler
function of BinaryGame.java, it throws an ArrayIndexOutofBounds Exception.
         I cannot figure out what issue is going on here.

         Here's the stack trace I see :

           Response from root: propose mmg.MMGInstanceSet {{      }}
scg.protocol.ForAllExists {{      }} 0.61 1.0 mmg.MMGInstanceSet {{      }}
scg.protocol.ForAllExists {{      }}         0.61 1.0 mmg.MMGInstanceSet {{
     }} scg.protocol.ForAllExists {{      }} 0.61 1.0 mmg.MMGInstanceSet {{
     }} scg.protocol.ForAllExists {{      }} 0.61 1.0  oppose agree agree
agree agree  protocolResponse provide mmg.MMGInstance {{  0.0  }}  provide
mmg.MMGInstance {{  0.0  }}  provide mmg.MMGInstance {{  0.0  }}  provide
mmg.MMGInstance {{  0.0  }}
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
Instance Index 1 Size of array : 1
at scg.game.BinaryGame.protocolResponseHandler(BinaryGame.java:533)
at scg.game.BinaryGame.convert(BinaryGame.java:457)
at scg.game.BinaryGame.start(BinaryGame.java:133)
at scg.tournament.Tournament.startGame(Tournament.java:64)
at scg.tournament.Tournament.run(Tournament.java:52)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

       The game is between 2 clever avatars and this issue occurs when Bob
agrees to Alice's claim and tries to provide an instance for her to solve.

          Whoever is in charge of ProtocolInterpreter, could you look into
this issue or call me at 720-362-0602 ?

- Madhu
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