[Cs5500] Steps to sign-up for MMG tournament

Madhuvanthi Balasubramanian balasubramanian.m at husky.neu.edu
Thu Sep 22 10:30:31 EDT 2011

Hello Everyone,

                    Given below are the steps to sign up and enroll for this
week's MMG tournament at the SCG court.

                     1.  Click on the following link :
                          Provide your username and password. The username
you provide will be the team's name and the name of the avatar throughout
                          tournament. You may provide any password of your
                     2.  Click on "Submit Request". Your sign-up request
will be sent to the administrator. You will be notified once your request
has been approved.

                    Please make sure you sign-up before today, so we can
start with warm-up matches from tomorrow.

                    I have attached the playground definition that we will
be using in this week's tournament. Please design your avatars in adherence
to this definition and configuration file. Please let us know if you have
any issues/questions about this definition.

                    The warm-up matches, actually scheduled for Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday will now be held @ 6.00 pm on Friday, Saturday and
Sunday . Once all teams have signed up, details on running avatars and
playing the game will be published.

- Madhu
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