[Cs5500] Collecting Ideas to systematically verify the contents of the raw history

Reto Kleeb kleeb.r at husky.neu.edu
Thu Apr 21 17:26:55 EDT 2011

Hey class,

last night we discovered that the raw history contained items that did 
not make sense. The way I remember it, somebody claimed that in such a 
case (erroneous history)


would not be successful. We could not reproduce this, the way the 
RawHistory is written, it should always produce valid entries (at least 
according to the grammar).

So our question is, do we have a history file that actually does fail to 

SVN Issues:
Some of you might have noticed that our SVN provider assembla does 
currently have some issues, they are affected by the amazon outage: 

Reto (PRX)

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