[Cs5500] Domain Specific Configuration Classes

Daniel Marcucci marcucci.da at husky.neu.edu
Sat Apr 9 18:49:42 EDT 2011

Hi All,

I was looking through the repository today to see how domain specific
configuration classes are handled (i.e., HSRConfig and CSPConfig, as defined
in HSRDomain.cd and CSPDomain.cd respectively) and I was having trouble
seeing where exactly the rules contained in those classes were implemented.
Additionally, I noticed that the "DomainConfigI" interface that they
implement contains no functionality (although it looks like it's used as a
wrapper in the Config class definition at the SCG level).

If anybody can explain to me how the domain specific configuration classes
are utilized, that would be appreciated. I think I remember a discussion in
the past regarding this, but I don't know if anybody ever followed up on it.

 - Dan
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