[Cs5500] Regarding Merge Code Changes

Paarth Chothani chothani.p at husky.neu.edu
Thu Apr 7 16:57:37 EDT 2011


A method called getTournamentStatus in TournamentManager.java had been added
which can be called for fetching the tournament status of a particular
tournament  and changes have been made so that the tournament runs once the
web ui indicates that the tournament is in running state.

Also in case if you are not able to update with repository due to conflicts,
then there is an option in Team called* synchronize with repository* and
once you open that option, then there is an option to override and update.
So use that option and you can sync up with the repository.

Paarth Chothani.

Paarth Chothani
Research Assistant & Graduate Student,
College of Computer & Information Science,

Northeastern University.
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