[Cs5500] Tournament Status

Patrick Lannigan lannigan at ccs.neu.edu
Mon Apr 4 22:39:08 EDT 2011

I have checked in the changes to the scg.cd file and the gen files that were

The format that we agreed upon in class is as follows:
//status definitions
Status = <registeredPlayers> List(Player) <activeGames> List(ActiveGame) .
Player = <name> ident <score> double .
ActiveGame = <p1> Player <p2> Player <round> int .

The score of a Player object that is listed in the registeredPlayers
variable is their tournament score.
The score of a Player object that is part of an Active game is their game
reputation score.

When an end user loads a tournament page on the website, the system will
call status() on the tournament. The tournament will return a Status object
that represents the current status of the tournament. This can occur at any
point while the tournament is running, but there is no guarantee that it
will be called.

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