[Cs5500] Documentation Repository

Daniel Marcucci marcucci.da at husky.neu.edu
Tue Mar 22 16:33:20 EDT 2011

Hi All,

After discussing with Reto yesterday, we decided it would probably be best
to have the documentation in a separate repository so that it's available to
all teams independent of whatever code they're using. I believe I have sent
out invitations for this repository to most of the class, but I may have
missed people if they weren't members of the "Managing SW Dev-Shared"
repository. Therefore, please send me an e-mail with your Assembla.com user
name (or, if you don't have one, your e-mail address that you want me to
send the invite to) so I can send you an invite.

Right now, the user guide documentation will be available in this
repository. We are still working through the details regarding where the
requirements/analysis documentation will be located. We will update the
class when we have more information regarding that.

Please let me or other members of the documentation team (i.e., Anush or
Rashmi) know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Thanks.

 - Dan
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