[Cs5500] Reputation formula

Yue Liu liu.yue at husky.neu.edu
Tue Mar 8 11:27:16 EST 2011

Assume avatars will get 100 reputation initially, we need to chage the
percentage sign "%" to "/1000".
So the formula will be:

If winR >= losR,         // winner's Reputation >= loser's Reputation
exchangeR = losR*(baseR - (winR - losR))/1000;
exchangeR = losR*(baseR + (losR - winR))/1000;

If exchangeR < 0, return exchangeR = 0;
Else, return exchangeR;

winR = winR + exchangeR;
losR = losR - exchangeR;
The examples are correct in my last email.
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Yue Liu <liu.yue at husky.neu.edu> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I made the following claim for the formula of reputation points exchanged
> in each move:
> If winR >= losR,         // winner's Reputation >= loser's Reputation
> exchangeR = losR*(baseR - (winR - losR)%);
> Else,
> exchangeR = losR*(baseR + (losR - winR)%);
> If exchangeR < 0, return exchangeR = 0;
> Else, return exchangeR;
> winR = winR + exchangeR;
> losR = losR - exchangeR;
> ;; Note:
> ;; exchangeR is the reputation points exchanged in a move.
> ;; winR is the winner's current reputation points.
> ;; losR is the loser's current reputation points.
> ;; baseR is the the maximum acceptable differences between two players'
> reputation.
> ;;   baseR can also be interpreted as the permillage of reputation points
> should be exchanged if both player have same reputation.
> Examples:
> Case 1:
> If both Alice and Bob have 100 reputation, and the baseR is 100.
> If Alice is the winner, then exchangeR = 100 * (100 - (100 - 100))/1000 =
> 10.
> Alice's reputation will be 110 and Bob's will be 90.
> Case 2:
> If Alice's reputation is 110 and Bob's reputation is 90, and the baseR is
> 100.
> If Alice is the winner, then exchangeR = 90 * (100 - (110 - 90))/1000 =
> 7.2.
> So, Alice's reputation will be 117.2 and Bob's will be 82.8.
> Case 3:
> If Alice's reputation is 117.2 and Bob's is 82.8, and the baseR is 100.
> If Bob is the winner, then exchangeR = 117.2 * (100 + (117.2 - 82.8))/1000
> = 15.75.
> So, Alice's reputation will be 101.45 and Bob's will be 98.55.

> Case 4:
 If Alice's reputation is 160 and Bob's reputation is 10, and the baseR is
> 100.
 If Alice is the winner, then exchangeR = 10 * (100 - (160 - 10))/1000 < 0,
> so the exchangeR will be 0.
 So, Alice's reputation still is 160 and Bob's is 10. In this case, Alice
> will not benefit from the successful refutation,
 because we want to encourage Alice to play against smarter avatars,
> other than keeping beat the low level avatars to get a higher reputation.
> Best,
> Yue
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