[Cs4800] Algorithm reviews

Karl Lieberherr lieber at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Dec 7 13:36:16 EST 2011

Besides the Review for CS 4800, we will finish the algorithm reviews as

6. Lukasz and Max (HSR, and MMG (with the bug and then without))
7. Nimrod and Ryan (HSR only)
8. Brett (MMG only)
9. James and Dongyoo (HSR only)
10. Adam Belcher (HSR only)

Please focus on novel features of your avatar that we have not yet seen in
other avatars.

My review slides are here:

What is covered in the final:

Remember that you have the power to refute tournaments. I attach again the
relevant paragraph below.
So far I have not received any refutations. Which tells me that if you
participated in a tournament
you consider all feedback you got to be fair.

-- Karl

If there is claim that was refuted/strengthened/agreed and there is a
winner and a loser
but the evaluation is not fair, send me a message with the following
Tournament and game name, e.g., 5150 vs reptar2, the provided instance and
solution and a reason why you think the outcome should have been the other
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