[Cs4800] Error continued:

Tom Fiset tmfset at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 23:11:48 EST 2011


I have tried everything you guys said and it still produces the same error.
I'm trying not to freak out about this, but this SCG thing is really
starting to piss me off. Why is it even possible for me to get this error?
It just seems lazy to me.


The users of this software SHOULD NOT have to be held accountable for so
many different and arbitrary setup steps. It's completely ridiculous that I
should have to do anything other than run a single command to run my avatar.

By putting so many of the configuration steps in the hands of the user you
open the door for ridiculous errors like this. Every additional step that
is required (and often not reported to the users in any consistent way)
makes it that much easier for us to fail at using your software.

Normally I would understand letting people figure it out on their own, but
we are being graded on this. The success of my avatar has AT NO POINT in
any of these tournaments had anything to do with my own ability to code the
correct algorithm correctly or efficiently, which is what this was supposed
to be a metric for.

So here's my proposition: include a shell script in the build to do
everything currently required of the user:

./scgScript build
./scgScript runServer root
./scgScript runAvatar tvtennis.ccs.neu.edu user password 1
(uses a random port)

This does not mean I have to change to the bin directory. This does not
mean I still have to manually copy something. These are literally the only
three commands I will ever use or need in order to run your software.

Also, it is important to document it all in the same place
*consistently*and where everyone can find it (not that the steps will
ever change). This
means I don't have to search through email archives to find out what the
new run command is (again, not that it should ever change).

If these are the only three steps that anyone ever has to do, there will no
longer be confusion over what step was missed and ruined everything. This
also has the benefit that it can be modified for different versions and the
user will not need no need to learn a new way to get it working.

Please excuse my tone, but this is pretty fundamental concept in UI design.

- Tom Fiset

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 6:18 PM, James Antonius <antonius.j at husky.neu.edu>wrote:

> Yes, I just tried it too (using r70) and it worked fine. I think you just
> need to copy the demeterf jar, hamcrest jar, and Playgroundconfig folder
> from the GenericSCG folder to the bin folder..
> ~James Antonius
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 6:13 PM, Adam P Belcher <belcher.ad at husky.neu.edu>wrote:
>> I think you just need to copy the Playgroundconfig folder from the
>> GenericSCG folder to the bin folder.
>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Tom Fiset <tmfset at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Can someone verify that I'm not insane? I've been trying to just run two
>>> Baby avatars against each other but I get the same error every single time:
>>> Error:
>>>  ** Type 'exit' to shutdown: GET REQUEST11111
>>> Exception thrown while parsing: csp.CSPConfig cannot be cast to
>>> hsr.HSRConfig
>>>  !! Exception: null
>>>  !! StackTrace:
>>>  -- scg.net.avatar.PlayerServer.createResponse(Unknown Source)
>>>  -- scg.net.avatar.PlayerServer.playerResponse(Unknown Source)
>>>  -- sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>  --
>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
>>>  --
>>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
>>>  -- java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:616)
>>>  --
>>> edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.http.server.ServerDispatch.handle(ServerDispatch.java:75)
>>>  --
>>> edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.http.server.ServerThread$DispatchThread.run(ServerThread.java:130)
>>> svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/generic-scg/code-0/GenericSCGGenericSCG0 -r 70
>>> svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/generic-scg/code-0/GenericSCGGenericSCG1 -r 70
>>> In each directory run:
>>> java -cp .:demeterf.jar:hamcrest-all-1.3.0RC2.jar demeterf
>>> src/hsr/BabyAvatar/hsrAvatar.cd src/hsr/BabyAvatar/hsrAvatar.beh ./gen
>>> ant
>>> and copy the demeter and hamcrest into the bin folder
>>> Start the server:
>>> java -cp .:demeterf.jar:hamcrest-all-1.3.0RC2.jar scg.admin.Admin root
>>> connect each avatar:
>>> java -cp .:demeterf.jar:hamcrest-all-1.3.0RC2.jar
>>> scg.net.avatar.PlayerMainHSR $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
>>> ./Playgroundconfig/scgConfig_hsr.txt ./Playgroundconfig/hsrDomain.txt
>>> where $1 is port# $2 is astroblaster.ccs.neu.edu $3 is username $4 is
>>> password $5 is tournament id
>>> It's really starting to get to me, is anyone else even *using* r70 of
>>> the scg? If so can you recreate this or tell me what, if anything, I'm
>>> doing wrong here?
>>> - Tom Fiset
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