[Cs4800] was the tournament fair? when you lost, was it for a correct reason?

Karl Lieberherr lieber at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Nov 30 11:02:51 EST 2011

I claim that the tournament last night ran very well. The strong avatars
have given plenty of feedback
to the weaker avatars. The admin checked that the feedback was correct.

The following avatars earned an A: They scored above the baby avatar and
mostly beat the baby avatar:

5150                  Greg and Casey
reptar2               Leighann
milo                   Brett
j78d                   ???
dirich                  David
TheGreatGonzo   Dennis

For the remaining avatars there is a second tournament that gives them a
chance to get an A.

Again we want to make sure that your avatar got fair feedback and that
when she lost it was
for a correct reason given by her competing avatar.

If there is claim that was refuted/strengthened/agreed and there is a
winner and a loser
but the evaluation is not fair, send me a message with the following

Tournament and game name, e.g., 5150 vs reptar2, the provided instance and
solution and a reason why you think the outcome should have been the other

You have until Friday noon to come up with such unfair wins.

I don't have all your avatar names. If your is not here:
send Ravi and me an email with the avatar name and its author(s).

As planned, tonight at 10pm we will have a counting HSR tournament. Make
sure to use GNU screen because
sometimes those tournaments run well into the night.

-- Karl
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