[Cs4800] MMG Counting Tournament - 10.00 pm tonight

Madhuvanthi Balasubramanian balasubramanian.m at husky.neu.edu
Tue Nov 29 17:53:03 EST 2011

Hello Everyone,

The MMG Counting tournament scheduled for 10.00 pm tonight will be
conducted as planned.
Registration opens at 8.30 pm and sign-ups will be approved every 15
minutes until 10.00pm.
The latest version may be downloaded from SourceForge from the usual place.
The latest version number is 70 (GenericSCG) .

*Changes in the last 2 versions:*
1.Avatar is kicked out when 0 proposals are made.
2. Total number of games is ((n*n) - n ) where n is the number of players
registered for the tournament.
These changes may not affect your avatars in any way, but if you want to
run local tournaments, then I would suggest you use the latest playground

At this point, all of you would be aware of these details , but let me
remind you of a couple of points one more time:
1. MMG has both max and min proposals set to 1. So please make sure your
propose method proposes the right number of claims
2. Running the avatar now uses 7 arguments as opposed to 5 :

*<portnumber> <server> <avatarname> <password> <tournamentid>
./Playgroundconfig/SCGConfig_mmg.txt ./Playgroundconfig/mmgDomain.txt*

The last 2 arguments are absolute paths, so please use them as mentioned

I would suggest you run atleast one local tournament before you sign-up for
tonight's tournament. This might help you get acquainted with how to run
your avatars using the right arguments and also avoid last-minute surprises.

Let me know if there are any issues.

Good luck !!
- Madhu
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