[Cs4800] Counting tournament tonight at 10 pm

Madhuvanthi Balasubramanian balasubramanian.m at husky.neu.edu
Mon Nov 14 18:11:40 EST 2011

Hello Everyone,

There will be a counting tournament tonight for HSR  as planned at 10.00 pm.
Teams who signed up already will not need to sign up again. However if you
want to have a different name for your avatar, you are welcome to sign-up.
Since both Srinivas and I will be in class, we can approve sign-up requests
only after 9 pm.
The tournament will be scheduled around 8pm and we will send out a mail
with the details of the server and tournament.
The version is the one that was updated on Saturday and you can find it in
the following link :


- Madhu
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