[Cs4800] Midterm

anonymous neu112233 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 19:36:29 EST 2010

Studying for this midterm was a horrible waste of my time.  I am extremely
frustrated that I spent so much time preparing for this exam.  That time
would have been better spent working on assignments for other classes or
studying for more for other midterms that would actually be fair.  It is
difficult to learn anything during class time because the material jumps
around, is glossed over quickly and poorly explained. This entire course has
been rushed and I would not be surprised if it is all so that we can have
more of our time wasted with DemeterF as someone else suggested.

Questions on the exam were hardly covered in the course, are not in the
book, and poorly explained on the exam itself.  Why would 45% of the midterm
be based on material that was covered in barely two lectures?  Not only
that, but it was material that the professor was clearly made aware of the
fact that we did not understand and it is also not in the book.

The types of problems in our homework and exam are not meant to be rushed
and take time to think about and understand.  An hour long class period is
not going to be enough time to be able to do well on an exam and it is
unfair to have our grades based on that.
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