[Cs4800] What to hand in

Michael Quintin quintin at ccs.neu.edu
Tue Jan 19 21:31:25 EST 2010

My understanding of it was JB(25,2) was each player saying their guess, 
and seeing which got it in the fewest number of guesses. JBP was each 
player saying the guaranteed maximum number of guesses it could take. 
Since it didn't give us algorithms to calculate that from, I'm assuming 
two of the group members are Alice and Bob and make up their own technique.

Charles Costa wrote:
> Hello,
> I am looking at the homework and I understand the algorithm and how 
> the game would play out with two players, but I don't understand what 
> is meant by " The Google Wave describing the interactions between 
> Alice, Bob and Nina for JB(25,2) and JBP(25,2) ."
> I don't have Google Wave.  Am I supposed to make up secrets for the 
> two players and simulate the game between the two of them or am I 
> supposed to be actually interacting with others on Wave?
> Thank you,
> Chuck Costa
> -- 
> - Chuck
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