[Colloq] Colloquium Speaker: Mon April 8 @ 2 pm in 366 WVH/ Bogdan Nicolae "Data Management and Resilience Techniques at Large Scale"

Javed A. Aslam, Khoury Academic Affairs khoury-academicaffairs at northeastern.edu
Fri Apr 5 10:28:00 EDT 2019

Speaker: Bogdan Nicolae

Date: Monday, April 8, 2019

Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Location: 366 WVH

Title: "Data Management and Resilience Techniques at Large Scale"


This talk introduces a series of data management and resilience techniques at large scale. It is structured in three parts. First, it focuses on distributed versioning techniques that keep track of the history of changes for massive data sets, which can be used both to revisit previous states and to optimize concurrent read/write operations. These techniques form the core of the BlobSeer project. Second, it introduces an approach to perform scalable, on-demand broadcast of massive data sets using an adaptive peer-to-peer collaboration strategy, which was adopted by the HPCDS project. Third, it focuses on checkpoint-restart techniques at extreme scale: multi-level checkpointing, adaptive asynchronous post-processing, etc. These techniques form the core of the VeloC project.


Bogdan Nicolae is a Computer Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory, USA. In the past, he held appointments at Huawei Research Germany and IBM Research Ireland. He specializes in scalable storage, data management and fault tolerance for large scale distributed systems, with a focus on high performance architectures cloud computing. He holds a PhD from University of Rennes 1, France and a Dipl. Eng. degree from Politehnica University Bucharest, Romania. He is interested by and authored numerous papers in the areas of scalable I/O, storage elasticity and virtualization, data and metadata decentralization and availability, multi-versioning, data-intensive and big data analytics, checkpoint-restart, live migration.

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