[Colloq] Reminder: Seminar: Robotics faculty lightning talks

Ponte, Christopher c.ponte at northeastern.edu
Tue Oct 16 09:11:23 EDT 2018

What: Robotics faculty lightning talks
Where: ISEC auditorium
When: Tuesday October 16th 2-3pm

To kick off our robotics seminar series, we'll have a set of lightning talks from some robotics faculty at Northeastern. Come and find out what they are working on and hang out with the robotics community here. The speakers will be:

Chris Amato, CCIS
Sam Felton, MIE
Taskin Padir, ECE
Rob Platt, CCIS
Hanu Singh, ECE/MIE
Peter Whitney, MIE
Lawson Wong, CCIS

If the exciting talks aren't enough, there will also be pizza available afterward.

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