[Colloq] Title: Sieve: Provably Secure Access Control for User-Controlled Storage 7/15/15 @ 11am

Walker, Lashauna la.walker at neu.edu
Mon Jul 13 14:50:46 EDT 2015

Frank Wang

Title: Sieve: Provably Secure Access Control for User-Controlled Storage 7/15/15 @ 11am

Date: 7/15/15

Time: 11am

Location: 366WVH

Sieve is a new system that provides secure, delegated access to a user's sensitive cloud data. Sieve enforces cryptographically strong restrictions on how third party web services can access that data. However, Sieve can still be compatible with monetization systems like targeted advertising, reducing the barrier to adoption. In Sieve, each user uploads her data in encrypted form to a cloud-based storage provider. Each data object is associated with attributes like file type, subject matter, and associated user names; these attributes arise from automatic annotation or manual user tagging. When a web service requests access to the user's data, she generates a service-specific access policy. This policy is expressed in terms of attributes and simple operators like equals and less-than. Sieve automatically translates the human-readable access policy into a public/private key pair that is given to the web service. The key pair allows the web service to independently access and decrypt the delegated user objects (but no others). Using this scheme, Sieve provides users with true control over how their cloud data is accessed. This contrasts with popular delegation schemes like OAuth in which policies are written by web services and lacking in cryptographically strong protections.

Thank You.

LaShauna Walker
Executive Assistant to Dean Carla Brodley
College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University
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