[Colloq] Thesis Defense - Vincent St-Amour - How to Generate Actionable Advice About Performance Problems - April 24, 2pm - 366 WVH

Fong, Andy a.fong at neu.edu
Wed Apr 8 16:44:07 EDT 2015

Time: April 24th, 2pm

Place: 366

Title: How to Generate Actionable Advice about Performance Problems


Performance engineering is an important activity regardless of application domain, as critical for server software as for mobile applications. This activity, however, demands advanced, specialized skills that require a significant time investment to acquire, and are therefore absent from most programmers' toolboxes.

My thesis is that tool support can make performance engineering both accessible and time-efficient for non-expert programmers. To support this claim, my work introduces two novel families of performance tools that are designed specifically to provide actionable information to

programmers: optimization coaches and feature-specific profilers. This dissertation presents blueprints for building tools in these families, and provides examples from tools that I have built.


Matthias Felleisen (advisor), Northeastern University Olin Shivers, Northeastern University Kathryn McKinley, Microsoft Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Indiana University David Van Horn, University of Maryland

Andrew W. Fong
Assistant Director for Graduate Admissions and Enrollment

Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science
360 Huntington Avenue
451 West Village H
Boston, MA 02115
a.fong at neu.edu

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