[Colloq] Ben Vandiver Hiring Talk

Patricia Freeman tricia at ccs.neu.edu
Fri Mar 21 09:08:33 EDT 2008

Ben Vandiver will be visiting us TODAY. 
His Hiring Talk will take place at 10:30am in 366WVH

Beyond crash faults: Tolerating byzantine faults in database systems
Ben Vandiver
10:30 WVH 366

According to commercial and open source database vendor archives, over 50% of verified bugs result in non-crash faults (e.g., incorrect answers, data corruption, etc). Yet the database fault tolerance community has focused almost exclusively on tolerating crash faults. I will present the first practical system for tolerating arbitrary (Byzantine) faults in database systems. The system, called HRDB, uses middleware to provide a single-copy serializable view of a replicated database, and relies on heterogeneous replicas to provide increased fault tolerance. Central to my performance claims is a novel concurrency mechanism that allows highly concurrent execution of a transaction processing workload on heterogeneous replicas. 

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