[Colloq] Hiring Talk - Dan Cosley - Friday, April 21

Rachel Kalweit rachelb at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Apr 12 14:46:36 EDT 2006

The College of Computer and Information Science presents:
Faculty Hiring Talk

Dan Cosley
GroupLens Research Project
University of Minnesota

Date: Friday, April 21, 2006
Time: 12:00 noon
Place: 366 WVH

Helping hands: Design for member-maintained online communities

 >From finding friends on mySpace to finding support for cancer
survivors, millions of people turn to online communities every day for
information, companionship, support, and fun. These communities need 
maintenance: welcoming and mentoring new members, reviewing
contributions, and building community-specific databases, for example.
Typically, a dedicated few perform these tasks, leaving the community
vulnerable to their goodwill and unable to respond to rapid growth.

Rather than rely on a few, communities might allow all members to
participate in maintenance.  Wikipedia and Slashdot highlight the
potential and the problems of this approach.  The English language
Wikipedia has over 1 million articles.  Yet quality and process disputes 
founders Jim Wales and Larry Sanger deeply divided over how to proceed.

In this talk we will address two fundamental challenges facing
member-maintained communities: motivating people to contribute, and
ensuring that contributions are valuable.  We develop and deploy
algorithms for matching people with tasks in a large online
community.  Effective algorithms far outperform schemes commonly used
in online communities.  We also investigate the design of
interfaces for reviewing contributions, asking two questions inspired
by Wikipedia: can peers review as well as experts, and does review
before accepting a contribution improve quality?  Empirical results
and mathematical models of quality suggest that the answers are yes, and 
For more details, please come to the talk.

Host: Carole Hafner

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