[Colloq] CORRECTION: PhD Thesis Proposal, Rui Wang, Friday, June 17

Rachel Kalweit rachelb at ccs.neu.edu
Thu Jun 9 16:48:31 EDT 2005

College of Computer and Information Science

PhD Thesis Proposal:
Rui Wang

Recovery for Service-Oriented Applications

Friday, June 17, 2005
366 West Village H

The fact that computer system failures cannot be completely prevented 
makes recovery an unavoidable choice for high availability. Among all 
fault tolerant techniques, log-based rollback recovery is relatively 
cheap yet provides effective recovery upon failures. In this proposal, 
we study log-based rollback recovery for service-oriented applications 
such as Web services, which involve multithreading, shared in-memory 
data access, consistency among applications and consistency with 
transactional resources. We first make a complete survey of the existing 
work, then describe the architecture of service-oriented applications, 
advance the recovery goals for such applications and finally outline the 
features of our solution.

Thesis proposal committee:
Prof. Betty Salzberg (advisor)
Prof. Donghui Zhang
Prof. Rajmohan Rajaraman
Prof. Ravi Sundaram
Dr. David Lomet (Microsoft Research)

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